Would you like to go on a paid teaching internship to Thailand? Melissa will speak to us about everything required to apply and travel in 2021. Plus, find out the best places to go, beaches to see and the amazing food that you can’t miss out on.
Learn what will be different this year, what’s the same, and all about Melissa’s experience!
Join Melissa at 3 pm UK time and make sure to secure your spot for this zoom webinar.
Learn About Your Webinar Host – Melissa and her Thailand Internship
Teacher Melissa began her TEFL career on a paid Thailand internship (and loved it!). Since then she’s been classroom teaching in South Africa and is now an online English teacher (and also takes over our Instagram every Thursday). Sound like a path YOU want to pursue? Read on to learn more about her journey to becoming an online ESL teacher!
“You first began English teaching on our Thailand internship. What made you choose this path? Did that experience shape your career plans afterward?
Teaching in Thailand was something I did not plan. It all happened so quickly as I knew I wanted to experience a different culture. Premier TEFL made me feel so welcomed as well. We even had someone from Premier TEFL meet us in Thailand and take us out for dinner. She flew in to meet us and see how our orientation went. This made me feel more confident in my decision. I was blown away by the number of things we learned at orientation. It was a lot of fun.
Teaching in Thailand definitely shaped my career afterward as I learned so many different teaching styles and was able to incorporate them in my classroom in South Africa. It gave me confidence as I traveled alone and overcame so many challenges especially the language barrier in Thailand. I question myself every day, WHY DID I LEAVE THAILAND???? I loved it there.”
Want to know more? Join us on zoom December 10th at 3 pm UK time to learn about how to apply for a paid TEFL Thailand internship. If you want to learn more about the internship ahead of the webinar, check out the overview, itinerary, and more. Register your space now.

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