Premier TEFL

Posts by Premier TEFL

How to Choose a Write My Paper Service

An expert can assist you to with your work. When you decide to hire an individual to esaay compose your essay be sure to take into account a range of things. These include the cost for hiring professional writers, the convenience of hiring writers as well as the reputation of academics. The cost of hiring an assistant to write your paper There are many factors that can affect the cost of hiring a ...[Read More]

Hire The Most Effective Essay Writing Service In The Uk

In her first ever online video essays ? on Lynch?s Wild at Heart ? she shakes up the videographic universe with an exquisite fusion of personal-essay-filmmaking in a film critical vein. I actually love what Dayna achieves in the extremely concise and powerful frame of Outside the Lines. Their collaboration produced a substantial and satisfying work, with have an result on like no other ? a perfect...[Read More]

How Can I Write My Essay Fast?

Have you ever wondered “How can I speedily write an essay?” It’s not an easy one to answer. Don’t fret! You are able to get assistance with a helpline. All you have do is pay a down and choose the writer you want to hire. Perhaps you’d like to consider using mind mapping to organize your ideas. Mind mapping refers to the process of connecting ideas to form a cohesive whole. Find a professional cop...[Read More]

5 Ways to Make Friends When Living Abroad

The biggest question I get asked when talking about living abroad is “How on Earth do you make friends??” I’ve been a solo traveler for over 10 years and I’m here to share my top 5 favorite ways to make friends while traveling! Although I usually travel to a country alone, I always manage to find really cool and incredible people to explore with! I won’t lie to you, I was TERRIFIED when I first st...[Read More]

Get Camera Confident: TEFL Teacher Tips

How to Gain Camera Confidence – Tips and Tricks for Teaching Online As a regular classroom teacher, I wondered if I could ever be an online English teacher? I questioned myself if I had the confidence to teach on a social media platform that was new to me. For sure, I had my doubts and I was uncertain if this was a career for me. I can 100% say this has been the best decision. I will also share wa...[Read More]

Teaching English Online Without a Degree

Teaching English isn’t all about teaching abroad. In fact, you can do the opposite and teach English online from the comfort of your own home. Teaching English Online is a fantastic way to earn money without needing to spend your hard earned cash and your precious time commuting to and from your workplace. How often do jobs offer its workers immense flexibility? If you really want to relax, you ca...[Read More]

How to Write a TEFL Cover Letter & TEFL CV

In the world of teaching English as a Foreign Language, very rarely do you interview in-person. You send off your English teacher cover letter and CV, expecting them to do the talking for you without even meeting your potential employer. Yet the importance of making a good first impression to your employer or school is still enormous. Because of this, it is imperative that your TEFL CV and TEFL co...[Read More]

Teaching in Thailand vs Vietnam

Vietnam and Thailand are some of TEFL’s most popular destinations, and for good reason. Southeast Asian hospitality, delicious and cheap cuisine, biodiversity in abundance, beautiful tropical landscapes, need I say more? Now, you’ve set your sights on either Vietnam or Thailand, but you may be asking a few questions. So here are your FAQs about teaching in both Vietnam and Thailand.  What are the ...[Read More]

Teaching in Thailand vs Vietnam

Vietnam and Thailand are some of TEFL’s most popular destinations, and for good reason. Southeast Asian hospitality, delicious and cheap cuisine, biodiversity in abundance, beautiful tropical landscapes, need I say more? Now, you’ve set your sights on either Vietnam or Thailand, but you may be asking a few questions. So here are your FAQs about teaching in both Vietnam and Thailand.  What are the ...[Read More]

Countries With The Highest Teaching Abroad Salary

Want to travel the world while gaining work experience? Teaching English abroad is for you. You’ll be visiting new countries, tasting new cuisines, making new friends and giving back to the community. However, you’re not doing it for free, are you? English teachers have a skill which is high in demand –  the ability to speak English proficiently. Therefore, the work of an English teacher is one wh...[Read More]

Are There Age Limits or Restrictions to Teach English Abroad?

Sometimes, teaching English abroad sounds too good to be true. Travel the world, you say, while getting paid and enhancing career prospects? When something sounds too good to be true, we will always think there are strings attached, or that it simply isn’t possible. And as a result, we get many people asking things such as am I too old/young to teach English abroad? So, how old do you need to be t...[Read More]

My Experience Teaching English in Thailand

There are parts of life for all of us that hold amazing unforgettable memories, bringing us joy when we think of them. Teaching in Thailand was one of those experiences for me. My time in Thailand was filled with adventures and moments that created stories I will hold on to forever. Immersing myself in a new culture provided me with opportunities I never would have encountered if I had stayed at h...[Read More]

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